Residents urged not to hunt with bows and crossbows

Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

In the suburbs urged to refrain from hunting with bows and crossbows. This was informed in the press service of the Ministry of agriculture and food.

This is due to the lack of registration of such weapons.

“the Office of Goskomrezerva to avoid conflict situations in the first place recommends to refrain from the use in the exercise of hunting is not registered in the prescribed manner the propellant in small arms”, – stated in the message.

According to the entered into force on 30 January 2024 Federal law, the regional land allowed bow hunting or crossbow, but this is possible only if there are special permissions.

In particular, throwing small arms can have citizens who have a hunting license and permission of the Federal body of Executive power authorized in the sphere of turnover of weapon, the possession and carrying hunting weapons.

see also

Asgardia will create an electronic system of control over the circulation of orgyrussian allowed to hunt with bow and arrow