There is vertigo in the direction of Citizens. Four days to the general elections, “a thin line between heaven and hell”, exemplified in the dome. That frontier is the brand exceed 12% of the votes and move on to Vox, and United we Can, which so far are ahead in the polls and in their internal data. “With only two points we can win twenty seats,” he said this Wednesday Albert Rivera. Winning them would hold forty seats, but do not do so, falling to a score of members who predict the polls. A failure without respite from the 57 seats in April that it would open in the channel to the game. But Rivera’s not called “throwing in the towel” and invoked the example of andalusian for the comeback.
Rivera, willing to negotiate Budgets with Sanchez from the opposition to Rivera, with the litmus test of his leadership Rivera attacks the two-party system with its more muted tone
The evening was falling cool in Seville when the candidate of Citizens and the vice-president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Marín, boarded one of the boats walk along the Guadalquivir river next to the Tower of Gold to the rhythm of the rumba: “Oh, up, up; we want to march, march!”. In the boat I expected a hundred militants, who were dealt a t-shirt with the legend “liberals iberian” that the party has launched as a merchandising election after Pedro Sánchez the baptized as such. With the boat in motion and while it was evening in the Guadalquivir river, Rivera and Marin staged a rally interrupted by the greetings of passers-by when you pass under the bridge of Triana. “I am not a tour operator”, river, Rivera, microphone in hand.
it Was to evoke the roll-over election in Andalusia last December, when no poll predicted that the PSOE would be evicted from the Meeting by an agreement between the PP and Citizens with the external support of Vox. “Most proud I am is of the night of 2 December,” recalled Rivera on that election night. After ten months of right-wing Government of Andalucía has become one of the main strongholds of the party. A good result in the community most populated depends in large measure on the night of the 10-N is the heaven or hell at the headquarters of Citizens, calculated sources of the address. “I predict that if in Andalusia got a good result, it’s going to be a roll-over election that is not expected of anyone,” said the candidate of Cs.
In Andalucía, the Comunidad Valenciana, Madrid and Catalunya are on their best squares, but in the dome they believe they can compete better than we Can in regions such as Aragon, Extremadura and the two Castile and steal the remains. Rivera was in the morning in Mérida claiming a train worthy of extremadura, fighting the seat for the two provinces of extremadura, which she achieved in April.
“The most revolutionary, the most transgressor is to vote to Citizens”, he cried out Rivera in Seville, in a campaign that is being rowed against the current. The leader of Cs plays in the number of seats and if their votes are decisive for the governance. Rivera proposed that Citizens have a role in an “opposition State” if you do not sum the right opening to reach agreements with the PSOE a pact of legislature, including the approval of the general Budgets. A rotation pact-based, after seven months of stone not to the PSOE, which is now expected to head to the comeback.