Update 29. July 2019: Ex-DFB President Theo Zwanziger attacked process, the Swiss investigators, due to the separation of the pool Builder. “The whole process is so far-fetched, that actually, every word of it forbid,” rumbles the 74-Year-old. “In this context, the word ‘state’ in Switzerland, only an insult.” The investigators would run “at high speed against a wall”.
“dangerous to Life”: the New doctor-enlarged findings Provide Franz Beckenbauer
Update 27. July 2019: Franz Beckenbauer’s status is apparently still critical. According to an eye infarct any excitement for the “Emperor” life can be dangerous, so his Doctors in a diagnosis. The 73-Year-old questioning was not, therefore, capable of. Although the Swiss investigators want to be around to collect the allegedly purchased world Cup of 2006, an indictment against Beckenbauer, would you according to a mirror report, requested the removal of the procedure.
So, it should be ensured that the former professional football player could be accused of after his recovery, regardless of previous DFB-officials such as Wolfgang Niersbach. In April 2024 verjähre the case, Beckenbauer, according to the mirror, however, which a process can escape. At the Moment the investigators therefore focused on the other Suspects, which should have betrayed the DFB in 2005, in repayment of a ominous a 6.7-million-Euro-loan.
Franz Beckenbauer: the New doctor-finding aggravated
Update from the 26 Ensure – “dangerous to life”. July 2019 : The Doctors of football Emperor Franz Beckenbauer will need to re-transmit bad news. The honorary captain of the national team, it is now so bad, his judgment and his memory were so clouded strong that no improvement was to be expected.
This prevents to continue the hearing ability of the Emperor. In addition, the new statements, the Doctors are very disturbed by it. Franz Beckenbauer was in bad health so that any excitement might be dangerous for him, they reported to the SID.
Update vom 19. July 2019: about a week Ago it was announced that Franz Beckenbauer has expressed itself to his health status. “I see in the right eye little-to-nothing,” said the Emperor, after suffering a Eyes heart attack.
Now, the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” reported that Beckenbauer can’t be heard due to health problems. It is a question of the award of the 2006 world Cup. The Prosecutor’s office determined against the DFB and Bayern legend due to various flows of money, in which the then-Chairman of been involved with should be.
Swiss blade reported, to be able to beat Beckenbauer in accordance with medical certificates “in such a way that he is neither hearing nor negotiable”.
Franz Beckenbauer’s be honest: So is the Emperor, in the meantime,
Update from the 12. July 2019: Franz Beckenbauer has suffered an Eye stroke. In the case of an event, the Emperor said: “I see in the right eye little-to-nothing.”
Franz Beckenbauer’s be honest: So is the Emperor, in the meantime,
Munich – After health back has commented Franz Beckenbauer to positively his well-being impacts in the past. “It is not just the time, to uproot trees, but I’m better, I’m quite satisfied,” said the 73-Year-old, who answered in the world on Sunday, ten Ex-world Champions asked questions. Beckenbauer was most recently occurred significantly less frequently in Public than a few years ago.
On the question of Mario Götze, as Beckenbauer his life, had mastered to the career, and if he had any tips for him, said Beckenbauer: “such A gifted footballer, like you, I can only give the advice: Stay in the football business. There is nothing more Beautiful than football.“ Whether as a Manager, game Advisor, or as a TV pundit, he has to find out. “Or perhaps as a coach? But this is hard, this is probably the hardest Post ever. This does not exclude him, but you must know if you want to pursue this,“ added Beckenbauer, who was in 1974 as player and 1990 as team Manager of the world champion.
Meanwhile, the VAR-cellar in Cologne once more for the displeasure, even the Fans. In England has allowed a professional to a special award as a joke with his team-mates. Ex-national player Mesut Özil is getting married in the summer – the date of the big day are fixed.
In the USA under the FC Bavaria has long been a private office – is headed this Rudi Vidal. A female Bayern-Fans from the USA, tells how she discovered her love of the club.