Contents page 1 — “fines work well to increase vaccination rates” page 2 — In Germany it is not vaccinated to be On a page to read

On Sunday, announced the Minister of health, Jens Spahn in the “Bild am Sonntag” that he wants to introduce a measles vaccination. It provides for the following:

All School – and kindergarten-children must prove that they are vaccinated against measles.Unvaccinated children can be excluded from the nursery. the
parents of school children, who are unvaccinated, have to pay fines of up to 2,500 Euro.

Saad Omer, Professor of global health at Emory University and conducts research for decades to vaccinations, Impfakzeptanz and compulsory vaccination. In this interview he explains what is the state of Spahns vaccination.

Zeit ONLINE: Mr Omer, a mandatory vaccination is an intervention in the freedom of the individual. When is it justified?

Saad Omer is Impfexperte and Professor of global health at Emory University in the United States. He has been doing research for years, what is the role of schools, parents, health services, and legislation for the vaccination decision-making, immunization Coverage and disease incidence play. © private

Saad Omer: Every society must have a Balance to find between such a light and often time-limited intervention in the personal freedom and the greater social Benefit. Especially when, as in the case of measles, all groups of people – children who are too young to be vaccinated, or people with a pathologically weak immune system – damage is not threatening, because individual stick to recommendations. Similar considerations to health actions take place all the time: Smoking bans were introduced, for example, after it became clear that how harmful is passive Smoking; quarantine is prescribed when someone suffers from a contagious disease; or the compulsory wearing of seat belts in the car. Such coercive measures will be accepted unless it is a few exceptions.

Zeit ONLINE: In Germany, 97 percent of children are enrolled in school are vaccinated once against measles, Mumps and rubella, 93 percent have received the full protection of the important second vaccination. The vaccination rates are not so bad. At the same time, there are large regional differences in the state of Baden-Württemberg, the rates are significantly lower. But that justifies a measles vaccination?

Omer: The question is: Are the rates in Germany, very good, or good enough? Measles is a merciless disease, an infection can follow different short – term and long-term, which can lead to death. And measles are highly contagious, which is why you need very high vaccination rates to prevent outbreaks. However, the odds can only tell a little about how vulnerable a company for a certain infectious disease. This is because rates take into account children that are too young to be vaccinated. In addition, many adults who have not been vaccinated are still vulnerable to the measles. And, not least, regional differences are of particular importance: there Are certain places a large number of are not vaccinated, it can spread the Virus rapidly.

TIME ONLINE: does that Mean you are in favour of compulsory vaccination?

Omer: I think it is appropriate. The detailed rules should be scientific knowledge to be covered.

Vaccinate – Jens Spahn defends planned vaccination In kindergartens, schools and doctor’s offices should apply from March, 2024 and a measles vaccination. In the case of a refusal, the opponent would have to pay fines and Kita-exclusion. © Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

TIME ONLINE: let’s Talk about the Details of the plans of the Minister of health, Jens Spahn. His bill seems beyond urgent medical reasons, no facilities provided, to free himself or his children for religious or philosophical reasons, from the compulsory vaccination. In the USA there are many States in such arrangements.

Omer: We know from the research that a vaccination works better if you aim to change the behavior, and it is not a strictly legal procedure. It is about the fact that it is easier to vaccinate than to not vaccinate. People should have a way to let the duty free. But only in exceptional cases. If it is too hard to liberate themselves, which leads to resistance and people find refuge holes.

vaccination against measles : compulsory or not? © Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa measles : Jens Spahn submit the draft law to the vaccination prior to kindergarten vaccination : “We need measures other than a Kita-vaccination” vaccination : A deadly failure To the topics page

In California, for example, has been to the intensification of the vaccination, more and more children admitted to school, although they had not yet received both vaccinations, subject to the Proviso that their parents would submit proof of vaccinations. The Problem: Nobody has the control.

contrary to this example: In Washington state, for example, you can still for non-medical reasons for exemption. Parents need to but still to a doctor, Not to educate you about the risks of vaccinating and not vaccinating. This has reduced the exemptions from compulsory vaccination by more than 40 percent.

in addition, of course, you have rules, who is allowed to exempt children for medical reasons. Often parents go to benevolent Physicians, as there is a potential for Abuse. I would argue that only Doctors can vaccinate, may obtain an exemption. In addition, exemptions should be reviewed every year.

In this context, it makes no sense to test children only in the beginning of the day – care centre or school on their vaccination status. The long-term impact, but short – and medium-term measles outbreaks not prevent it.

vaccinations – why they are important vaccinations save lives

vaccinations are one of the biggest Successes in the history of medicine. Whole course could sometimes be deadly, eradicated diseases such as smallpox. Vaccinations save lives each year worldwide, about six million people (Ehreth, 2003). The number of Infektionserdiseases against which there are vaccinations, has been reduced dramatically (Bloom et al, 2005). Vaccinations are extremely effective, only the access to clean drinking water is a global yet effective (Andre et al, 2008) in the fight against widespread infections.


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