More than two billion people, according to the United Nations has no reliable access to drinking water. 844 million people would have to spend at least half an hour a day for the water supply or have no access, shared with the UN in its annual world water development report. As a result of climate change, the scarcity of water threatened to increase accordingly. The global demand for water will rise up to the year 2050 by 20 to 30 percent, it said.

be Particularly affected by a poor supply of water people in the poorest regions of the earth. In the least developed countries, 62 percent of city residents lived in the interior and inhabitants in slum areas, said the lead author of the report, Richard Connor.

you would most frequently do not have access to water supply and not be connected to the sewer system. Water they received, mostly from Supply trucks, and sometimes have to “pay ten times more” than your probably have. their fellow-citizens, in which the water coming from the tap Also, many of the Refugees who have been displaced by wars or conflicts, lived in shelters or Camps with the wretched water supply.

UN calls for investment in water supply

in Order to improve the water supply and to save for the future, call on the United Nations of the States large-scale investments. Wealthier people should pay more money for your water. It is estimated that around 101 billion euros a year – three times the previous sum.

according to The report, mothers or daughters, especially in rural areas have a disproportionate responsibility to provide for fresh drinking water. A work, the “remains unpaid and disrespected”.

lack Of clean drinking water and safe sewage disposal is according to the UN, every year for hundreds of thousands of Deaths. Therefore, 780,000 people die each year from bacterial infectious diseases, dysentery and Cholera.

1/7 of the residents of Indian Slums, filling canisters from a municipal water tank. © -/AFP/ 2/7 Dead trees in many Parts of the dry reservoir Theewaterskloof in the vicinity of Cape town © Krog/dpa 3/7 dumps An Indonesian woman in the midst of the water canisters in Tinambung © Yusuf Wahil/AFP/ 4/7 A Boy from Bangladesh, on Board a boat, the water, the refugees Rohingya. © Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/ 5/7 Venezuelan fills drinking water in a canister, to be distributed among hospitals. © Yuri Cortez/AFP/ 6/7 Syrian Kurds load water bottles onto a truck that brings them to Iraq. © Delil Souleiman/AFP/ 7/7 people are in Cape town with Jerry cans for water. © -/kyodo/Reuters/dpa


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