The statutory health insurance funds are to pay according to the will of the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) in the future, the Extraction of body fat. “Up to three million women with abnormal fat distribution disorders do not suffer on a daily basis including the health insurance pay for your therapy after a court ruling,” said Spahn, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Friday. “We want to help quickly and unbureaucratically.”
The funds refuse, according to the report, to pay the so-called “liposuction in the treatment of Lipödems”, because the Use was not sufficiently substantiated. With an amendment to the currently in the Bundestag-advised appointment service and supply act (TSVG) Spahn rules that, in principle, future his Ministry may have to pay to decide which methods of examination and treatment of the funds. So far, the self-government of Physicians, hospitals, and funds to decide on it.
From Jens Spahn desired control in the Detail
In the request, it is, according to the report, the Ministry could absorb the methods in the supply, for the self-administration had not taken control, or for which they “rejected the recognition of a diagnostic or therapeutic benefit to date”. Even if there is new methods are hardly scientific evidence, therefore, a refund be considered if there is no reasonable alternative treatment.