
Nutrition during early life is most essential for brain development and establishes the basis for cognitive and language skills development. It is well known and established that breast milk compared to formula feeding has been traditionally used to increase neurodevelopment scores for early adulthood. The first year of life for a child is a very critical year for development of language skills, including learning an understanding skill relating to different aspects of life also speaking skills.

Studies have shown that babies who are fed with breastmilk fortified with baby formula tend to have better brain development during their first year of life compared to babies fed with formula alone.

Large supermarkets usually contain an array of baby formula choices. Some formulas are Iron-fortified while others contain fatty acids such as [DHA] docosahexaenoic and [ARA] arachidonic acid. Some are based on cow’s and goat milk while others are made of soy milk for lactose intolerant babies. Baby formulas can be organic or inorganic.


There are several factors that determine the formula choice to make. Before choosing a formula for your child, consult your pediatrician first.

Breast milk offers newborns all the nutrition needed. However, not every mother chooses to or can breastfeed. some mothers are unable to produce breast milk. Others cannot breastfeed because they’re under certain medications. For such mothers, breastmilk can be substituted with formula.

When picking the formula for your child begin always by asking your babies pediatrician for recommendations. Through this you might have a wider range of options to sample on and test to see how your baby reacts to them. when testing the formulas on your child sometimes you may need to change the formula your baby is drinking due to reasons including food allergies, the baby needs more iron than the one present in the formula, extreme fuzziness or diarrhea. these are some of the symptoms and could also be the signs that something present in the formula is reacting in the child in a negative way. That is why you should always talk to your doctor before changing infant formulas.

Forms Of Formula


There are three main forms of formulas:

  • Powdered formulas which comes in a dry form and mixed with water. It is cheaper but more tedious to prepare
  • Concentrated liquid formulas: this is a liquid formula that needs to be diluted in a 1:1 ratio. It’s affordable and requires less labor to prepare.
  • Ready- to -use baby formulas: as its name implies, your baby can feed right after the can is opened without mixing anything. It is a little more expensive but very convenient

Types Of Formula

The major type of formulas available include:

  • Cow’s milk protein-based formula: this is one of the most common infant formulas. It consists of cow’s milk that has been altered to resemble breast milk. They contain the right balance of nutrients and makes the formula easier to digest. Most babies do well on cow’s milk. However, some babies have allergic reactions to cow’s milk or are lactose intolerant. These babies need a special type of formula alternative with the consultation of a pediatrician.
  • Soy- based formulas are useful if you want to exclude animal proteins from your child’s diet or might be an option for children with lactose intolerance or those allergic to cow’s milk. It can also be fed to infants who are able to digest cow’s milk too
  • Protein hydrolase formulas are formulas containing protein that have been broken down partially or extensively into smaller sizes than those in cow’s milk or soy-based formulas. This type of formulas is meant for babies who cannot tolerate both cow’s milk and soy-based formulas.
  • Specialized formulas are formulas which are for infants with specific disorders or diseases. This kind of formulas follow a specialized guideline about feeding requirements and is normally prescribed by a pediatrician.

Organic vs Inorganic formula


Organic baby formula is made from free-range cattle that has been made to feed on only organic pasture. They’re made under strict regulations and free of added hormones, GMO and pesticides. Find organic baby formulas at

Inorganic baby formula is made from regular farm animals. It does not contain added sugar and coloring. It is more affordable and easier to find in smaller supermarkets.

Infant formula is generally recommended until the age of 1. It cannot be followed by whole cow’s milk until the age of two but make sure to consult your child’s doctor for specific guidance especially for children who are premature, or have a sensitive digestive system or are lactose intolerant. Reduced fat or skim milk isn’t appropriate for a child before the age of two because it doesn’t contain enough calories or fat needed to promote early brain development.

When picking formula, it’s important to make sure the formula being picked is fortified with iron. Iron fortified formulas have dramatically reduced the rate of iron deficiency anemia in infants.


Some infants do not have enough natural reserve of iron which is an important mineral necessary for normal human development. For that reason, it is recommended that iron fortified formulas be used for infants who are not breastfed or infants who are partially breastfed from birth to the age of one.

Safety Tips:

  • Make sure you wash your hands and sterilize the bottle before putting milk inside.
  • Do not heat babies’ milk in the microwave because the heat on evenly, creating hot spots in liquid that can burn your baby’s mouth. Instead, heating a mug of water and then placing the bottle in the mug for a minute or two is a better Always make sure to check the temperature on your skin before feeding it to your child.

Whether is Organic or inorganic, dry or liquid, cow milk or soy milk, every formula will provide your baby with the right amount of nutrition for a healthy growth. All baby formulas are made under strong and strict requirements, and are enriched with various nutrients in the right proportions to give your baby all he needs for a good development.