New series role

From May 28, 2024 Kostja Ullmann (35, “Groupies don’t stay for breakfast”) can be seen in the series “From the diary of an Uber driver” on the streaming portal Joyn. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the actor explains why he was not a born Uber driver, which odd job he cheated on as a teenager and which taxi ride he will never forget. Ullmann also talks about the difficult situation of film and television productions in the Corona crisis.

Kostja Ullmann: In Hamburg, I mostly ride my electric car or bike. I mostly use Uber in other cities.

Ullmann: In Sri Lanka I was picked up by a taxi very early in the morning. Apparently the driver hadn’t slept, which is why he kept falling asleep. When it got too dangerous I offered him to drive myself. In the end I drove to Colombo Airport for three hours and he slept in the passenger seat.

Ullmann: Certainly not. Some stories would be exciting to hear. But as you can see in the series, it can get pretty nasty in the back seat.

Ullmann: Extremely exciting, since I had to deal with changing passengers every day. The series lives from the diversity of the individual stories. Everything is there, from tragically emotional to crazy weird.

Ullmann: As a teenager, I sold pretzels in the stadium. I only ever sold so many until I could carry the basket relaxed. Then I watched the soccer game. However, that only went well for half a year until I was fired.

Ullmann: During school I did an internship in kindergarten and also babysat a lot. Training as an educator has therefore always appealed to me and would certainly have been a profession in which I would have been happy.

Ullmann: For me, Hamburg is the perfect big city that has everything to offer, without ever taking too much of it.

Ullmann: As in almost all professions, a lot has broken away in acting, of course. My projects have been postponed until mid-July. Of course I hope that it can start again soon under safe conditions.

Ullmann: I can imagine that future filming will only take place with high security precautions. There must be regular quick tests and the entire team may be required not to meet anyone outside of the shoot.

Ullmann: Even without such a crisis, there is hardly any security in the film and television industry. It is all the more important that we work even closer together to come out of this crisis stronger.



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