Although it is said in the rhetoric, so nice: he Who asks, leads. This is true. But, unfortunately, it is also so that every question is always a Subtext resonates, revealing at times more about the questioner, as this is sweet.

It is said that there are no stupid questions. But there are however. In fact, some back issues, the candidates look pretty stupid and terribly unprepared. Questions which can be answered by the Interviewer only in a way not include, for example: it’s not.

“Is the climate all right?” “Is my future boss nice?” “I have good opportunities for advancement?”

no, not you! Who asks such questions is obviously naive or has no idea what he or she questions.

Unfortunately, it is still a number of other such Killer. To is arguably one of the worst possible questions in the interview, this (and all similar):

for example, “What is your company does exactly?”

Why is this a killer question? Who asks for it, not has simply done his homework. Meanwhile, there is hardly a company that presents on your own Website in the Internet. There is also, what it does, what brands and products belong to which companies will be pursued philosophy. Who is seriously interested in a career there, you should know BEFORE applying, what the company makes. The better Alternative: If you have any questions in this direction, rather then this:

“In my preparation for our conversation, I learned that your company is THE and THE power. But, I have a few specific questions…”

“What do you pay employees in this Position?”

Why is this a killer question? of Course, it is not wrong to be informed about his or her subsequent salary. But the question reveals a false perspective: you should already know what you are worth and what you paid for in this industry and in this Position usually. Accordingly, they are not asking for a handout or what the employer is graciously would be willing for you to spend. The better Alternative: is a more Elegant solution, therefore, is to allow the personal self to the conversation on the topic of steering, and when he asks what salary you introduce yourself, state your specific number. So, for example, like this:

“as a result of my training, knowledge and experience, I think, a gross annual salary of 46.780 Euro is appropriate.”

But even seemingly career-oriented questions can be tricky:

“How fast can you climb in you professionally?”

Why is this a killer question? It is a pleasure for each and every personnel, when employees are motivated, have goals and something to achieve. Better than the other way around. But asked directly, the question is less committed, but quite a pushy . You don’t say in the Subtext: The Job I am here just to apply interested me, actually, for me, he is at best a way station and means to an end. And that, in turn, could tell the hiring Manager that you will be frustrated, either after a while or just as easily not go, if it goes the way you want to. The better Alternative: If you are interested in opportunities for advancement, ask you so rather in this direction:

“How the staff looks at your development? Does your company offer something like a mentor program or training?”

This signals to the recruiter that you want to develop your skills, but at the same time for the current Job of interest.

This article is the shortened Version of a text in career Bible. The full article can be found here.

Smart questions: you should ask instead,

Please do not misunderstand: If you get on the part of the interviewers and recruiters offer their own questions, then you should do that too. Always! It is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the employer. And with clever questions, you can also collect additional plus points.

so If you ask questions, you ask the ideal way, in these directions:

What is (in their view) the biggest challenge in this Position?
First Plus: The question indicates that you are already content with the Job and solution-oriented commitment. Second Plus: you’ll learn of potential vulnerabilities (read between the lines!) and if your skills fit the position to succeed. Why is this position available?
This question is a Wolf in sheep’s clothing: Has created the Position, you can also add to that: Why? The company, the area, growing the Team could not cope with the work (stress alert!)? It is no longer vacant, you ask, why the suitable candidate has not yet been found. You may not want to be there. What you love their work and the organization?
The question reversed the roles: Now the recruiter has to tell what he sees in the organization as well. Just when the fight for talent, he should be a response to not be embarrassed. On the contrary, This is his Chance to keep an impassioned plea for the company. Make sure that the in-between sounds, and how real the rapture is.


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