The cities will promote they, consciously or unconsciously, uses mainly male ? At first sight, the stage is set : sports equipment outside is limited to the training equipment, skate-parks or basketball courts ; public restrooms absent or little marked ; subway stations are not accessible with a stroller ; benches, rare, or dangerous ; streets are dimly lit, conducive to creating a sense of insecurity ; playgrounds that can easily be “squatted” by a few football players, relegating girls to the margins… not to mention the street names celebrating of the male characters in their overwhelming majority or posters advertising who surf on gender stereotypes.
How to make cities more livable for all, and especially for women ? Has the era of smart cities, this approach between timidly in the training of students who will build the cities of tomorrow. “Sociologists are entered in schools of architecture in the past thirty years. But the reflection on the impact of gender in constructions and developments is a very recent, describes the architect Anne Labroille, who teaches in the master of urban planning of Paris-Nanterre. This approach has begun to spread throughout the departments of geography and the institutes of urbanism. Today, she – timidly – in the schools of architecture. “
The school of architecture of Marne-la-Vallée (Seine-et-Marne) proposes as well, for the past two years, a seminar on the consideration of gender in development. It will launch in the second half of a cycle around the representation of “gendered” space in the films. “We will also invite more women in our conferences, have juries, mixed, and introduce this perspective a little bit everywhere,” reveals the director of the school,…