we Remind that on March 16 in the apartment of one of houses in Guerrilla street was found the body of 27-year-old former pupil of children’s home Anna (name changed). They also found her one-year-old daughter. The baby was alive and healthy. The girl gave her aunt and roommate of Anna — a man from Moldova was arrested. Later, the experts found that the woman’s death was caused by blunt abdominal trauma. Against men opened a criminal case under article of the criminal code of Russian Federation “Deliberate causing of heavy harm to health”.
As we found out “MK”, the story is not over. Materials for testing were sent to the Kuntsevsky Interdistrict office of public Prosecutor of Moscow, and the supervisors saw the signs of a crime. They found out that Anna had earlier repeatedly complained about her boyfriend to the police. Moreover, he was even deported from Russia by court decision. However, to leave the country he had independently, and this control is put on local POLICE. By results of check IC opened a criminal case under article of the criminal code “Negligence” – is in relation to unidentified persons.