In the city of Novokuznetsk, in the Kemerovo region found a woman spread false report about the death of a local resident from a new type of coronavirus in one of the city hospitals. Now she can punish with a fine in the amount up to one hundred thousand rubles.
the woman said that he had learned about it from a relative working in a medical facility. The woman apologized to all who couldn’t scare her message, and urged not to repeat its mistakes, the report said the regional interior Ministry cupola.
“Employees of Department on execution of administrative legislation UMVD of Russia, Novokuznetsk filed against townswoman the case of an administrative offense under part 9 of article 13.15 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation “Abuse of freedom of mass information”, which provide penalties of as the maximum punishment for citizens the penalty of 100 000 roubles”, – have informed in management.