Photos: instagram.com/zhukowgleb
the Russian actors, musicians and artists launched flashmob called #homeartchallenge. During the event, is invited to recite passages from favorite books or to show your creations.
the action was joined By actress Ekaterina Volkova, Olga Kabo and Marina Alexandrova, reports TASS.
it is Noted that Volkova presented her poem that she wrote during self-imposed isolation, and Cabo read a poem of Anna Akhmatova “The fifth season…”.
“Pandemic canceled performances, closed the theatres, deprived us of meetings with the audience, we interrupted the thread of our creative communication, that’s terrible, I think any time art must be in our souls – should sound like music, poetry, we must love the literature,” wrote Cape in its Instagram.
in Addition, the participants of the flash mob have become artists Andrew Gareev, Julia Kuznetsova, which are depicted views, and other cultural figures. Passed the baton and Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Sergey Burunov.
In #homeartchallenge participated and TV presenter Ernest Matskyavichyus, read her essay written for the book of the father “Overcoming”.
Vladimir Putin has declared the week from 28 March to 5 April after hours in connection with the threat of the spread of the novel coronavirus. In Moscow have cancelled all entertainment, sporting and cultural events. In addition, close all the cafes and restaurants.
Sunday, March 29, in Moscow and the Moscow region have imposed restrictions on movement around the city because of the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection. To comply with the self-isolation now have citizens of all ages. The CEO is obliged to abide by the social distance of 1.5 meters.
According to the latest who data, the world is already infected more than 638 thousand people, more than 30 thousand died.
the Number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia exceeded $ 1.8 thousand people
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