First trips abroad were the ones who planned a vacation in March–April. Now panic and demand the return of their blood came the travelers who have bought tickets for the may holidays and the summer season.
Ekaterina Chebotareva together with friends in the early 2024 bought a tour to Greece, on the island of Crete. The trip should take place on 7 may. Due to the spread of coronavirus and the closure of the borders girls decided to stay in Russia: the Consulate has suspended the procedure of registration of Schengen visas and carrier removed from its website information about the flight Moscow—Crete. The tour operator, in turn, refused to customers the full refund. “All tours booked before April 20, was automatically cancelled by the tour operator. Funds for these tours will not be returned. They remain with the company on the Deposit. Tourists will be able to use them until 2024 to reschedule for another date, change the route,” said Catherine in a travel Agency. All offered the girl to calm, is a letter of guarantee confirming that clients ‘ money is on Deposit. According to the tour operator, flight until the program is suspended until April 30, so, technically, the flight, scheduled for may 7, to be held.
If the operator goes bankrupt — what will happen to money on any kind of Deposit? This is the main question that worries the girls. And certainly their apprehensions shared by many would-be travelers who find themselves in a similar position.
market Participants, in turn, encourage tourists to enter their position and not to succumb to hysteria. If the number of applications for refund will be reduced, operators will be able to stay afloat and to clean up the shaft hits that have accumulated. “If the panic continues and the number of requests from travelers not reduced, the company will fall into a stupor and announce that they are bankrupt. Next, they will divide the money from the Fund to the personal responsibility that each operator contributes 1% of turnover and pay thatrestam only the amount that they have. Of course, the money Fund will not be enough for all victims. Out, just due to panic consumers may be left without benefits” — warns the head of the Union of travel agencies Sergey Heads.
When travelers refuse of rounds, they need to refund money in full, which includes commissions to travel agencies. Talking about the funds from which are paid the salaries of employees, rent of offices.
According to the expert, the state will mainly support the airlines and tour operators. To date, authorities do not consider the methods of support of travel agencies. “Customers don’t want to hear any explanations. Threatened by the courts, — said the interlocutor of “MK”. — If to give the tourists the full amount including 6% Commission, the Agency is waiting for the collapse”.
the Government is taking measures to make the situation less catastrophic: discusses options for tax holidays for tour operators, delays in various payments. But now there is no that naturally makes you nervous and market participants, and their potential customers.
According to Lomidze, now under discussion for sectoral support measures — effective, but it will not be sufficient to neutralize the effects of the crisis: a bucket of water the fire will not pour. And it’s not in the Russian economy or politics: the same situation all over the world.