History 15/03/20 Parade of German prisoners in 1944, before he shocked the Muscovites
July 17, 1944 in Moscow, in the midst of war held a parade of prisoners of war of the Nazis, captured by the forces of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belarusian fronts. This parade was and still is an unprecedented special operation of the NKVD, which has no analogues in scale. The operation was called “the Great waltz” in honor of the American film, 1938.
“Parade of losers” was made possible thanks to the largest victory of the Soviet army – “operation Bagration”, which was destroyed by the German army group “Center”. The Wehrmacht suffered losses (returnable and non-refundable) in the amount of 400 000 soldiers and officers. Of the 42 generals in captivity was 21.
Then, in the Kremlin, it was decided to use captured prisoners as a demonstration of the military might of the red army.
two weeks of July in Moscow was transported about 57 thousand Germans. “Parade of losers” was on July 17.
the parade was announced just this morning. On the passage of the Germans announced on the radio and in the Newspapers.
the Prisoners were gathered at the Moscow Hippodrome and the stadium “Dynamo”. For the parade were selected the most healthy ones that could walk on their own, but they looked very sorry: exhausted and hungry, dirty, in ragged clothes. Before the March they were given a hearty lunch – porridge and bread with lard. In the future it has played a cruel joke. Stomachs many prisoners were exhausted, and a large amount of food dealt them a serious blow. Captured by the Nazis felt unwell on the road, so as to leave the system was forbidden under pain of death, were forced to relieve themselves on the go. Behind the columns of prisoners followed watering machine, which, according to official data, “symbolically washed away the Nazi filth from the earth.” In fact, the Red square really had to clean out the waste and dirt of the prisoners.
All participants of the “parade” had lots of empty tin cans that rattled terribly when walking. Many prisoners there were not enough clothes: someone was walking without shoes, someone walked in tattered form.
All the Nazi soldiers divided into two groups and built on 600 people through the ranks. Under the terms of the surrender, the prisoners the officers are not deprived of forms, degrees and awards. Led by the parade commander of the Moscow military district, Colonel-General P. A. Artemyev said.
the First column, which were 19 generals, went clockwise along the garden ring in the direction of the Kiev station. The second column is passed to that point in a counterclockwise direction. At the station the prisoners were placed in wagons and sent to prison. Throughout the March of the column was accompanied by horsemen with drawn swords and guards with rifles.
In the ranks of the prisoners were not only Germans, but other nationalities serving in the Nazi army: Romanians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. As one of the participants of the parade, the soldiers were shot on the spot by Russian volunteers to the betrayal was not tolerance.
Separate column were French collaborators. Passing by the French General Petit, they began to shout “Viva La France” and to assure that they were drawn into the war by force. However, the General has turned a deaf ear to their cries and pleas.
the Goal of the “Great waltz”
the Parade of prisoners of war pursued several goals. The first and main goal is the destruction of the myth of the invincibility of the Nazi armies. Of course, in the Soviet Union (and worldwide) have heard about the resounding victory of the Soviet army and the huge number of prisoners of war. However, hearing and seeing are two different things. The spectacle of an endless stream of prisoners worked better than a thousand radio messages. The presentation was pathetic, cruel and solemn at the same time. After this parade, no one doubts – victory is inevitable, and it is close.
it was at “the Big waltz” and the international goal. Allies that have already made plans for the postwar world did not believeand in such a large-scale successes of the Soviet troops. For the “parade of losers” was invited high-ranking politicians and military of the allied countries. The parade made a lasting impression and show the real power of the Soviet Union.
After “the Big waltz”
Acted as one of organizers of the parade Lavrenty Beria reported to Stalin that the viewers expressed a burning hatred for the prisoners, shouted “Death to Hitler!” and “Death to fascism!”. However, the Muscovites were in a state of shock from the experience. Women saw that these are the same people as their husbands and sons.
In 1949 the Soviet Union finally signed the Third Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. Under the terms of the document, such parades have been banned.
Moscow “parade of losers” was not the only one in history. A similar parade was held in Kiev, but it is no comparison did not come from Moscow.
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