History 15/03/20 Under which songs are Russian soldiers beat the enemy
a Good song always raised the morale of Russian soldiers were set up for victory and helped them to relax between battles. Therefore, this genre of folk art during the military campaigns in Russia at all times has received considerable attention at the highest level.
Yermak conquered Siberia with a song
Historians say that the ancient war song, sung in their military campaigns of the Russian combatants, can be dated to X century. Until the nineteenth century, the martial texts of songs did not differ special grace, often unrhymed, they did not obey the laws of versification. It was more stories of historical interest as the narrative about a specific event or personality. So when we see in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation” as the archers of Ivan the terrible are going into battle under the provocative song “Marusya”, you need to understand that this is nothing more than directing a fiction: in those days, war songs were quite different.
However, the military song in Russia has long been given great importance. The conquest of Siberia by Yermak took place to the accompaniment of pesennikov specifically written to lift martial Cossack spirit. Peter the Great in 1722, with the same purpose was issued the order to strengthen every regiment of his own orchestra.
it is Noteworthy that many war songs, podbadrivaya soldiers in the battle and contributed to the repose to the bivouac (especially the Cossack), – centenarians and was sung by several generations of servicemen. As, for example, the song of the Alexander hussars (early XX century) “You do not cry and do not cry, my dear…”. Her loved to sing, often tinkering in his own way, and in the First world and Civil (and both sides) and the Great Patriotic war.
They took the song to saber camping
the First extant mention of the military effectiveness of the song performed during the attack Russcal forces, for the capture of Izmail in 1790. Cossacks Suvorov took the Turkish fortress Izmail, bawling his favorite “the Night is dark, clouds are menacing…”
In the early twentieth century in the Russo-Japanese war was distinguished Moksha regiment raised in the battle of Mukden the flute players and trumpeters headed 25-year-old conductor Ilya Marquee, the future author of the music of the famous waltz “On the hills of Manchuria”. The soldiers were demoralized commander was killed, the regiment is surrounded. But when the musicians playing their instruments themselves resolutely went on the attack, followed by the soldiers. Entourage managed to break through.
an Example of the impact the song in a combat situation led Russian officer A. A. Svechin, who commanded in the First world war Finnish rifle regiment. Moving next to the location of the German Ulan, a division of Svechin fear constantly quickened the pace, and the Marines in the rearguard with fear fired from a machine gun in different directions. To slow down and calm down shooters, Alexander A. ordered everyone to sing. The movement speed of the soldiers immediately fell, they ceased to haunt the lancers behind every Bush. As he wrote in the late nineteenth century “Military collection”, in a war situation, the song has a lot of moral support to the soldiers, and strengthens their spirit.
“Red-white” song integration in the Civil war
a Civil war song on the same melody was often used in battle by both warring parties. For example, workers of factories of Izhevsk and Votkinsk who fought in the Kornilov brigade went into battle with the “Warszawianka” (“the red” text “hostile Whirlwinds wafted over us…” written in prison in 1895-known Communist Gleb Krzhizhanovsky). Lieutenant Nicholas Arnold especially for rebelled in 1918, the workers had written a new text, which States that “work revived and revived works”. The yizhivtsi went on the attack with long knives (bayonets they did not recognize), thereby plunging red in horror.
songs Such analogies can cause a great multitude, “According to the valleys and plateaus…” (“March drozdovtsev”, and even earlier, in the First world, “March of the Siberian shooters”), the famous “Death of the Komsomol” (“There far beyond the river, turned off the lights…”) sung in Russian-Japanese (when the lights were lit over the Liaohe river). By the way, the Estonian Nicholas Kool, remake the song on Krasnoarmeyskaya way, apparently, he did not fight, because something messed up in the content: the budenovtsev hundred did not exist (they existed only for their enemies – Cossacks), Budyonny cavalry formed in squadrons; and to attack the recon team “fearlessly jumping on the enemy” initially did not make sense – it’s intelligence, not a strike team.
In the Great Patriotic up in melee with swearing
Evidence that in the Great Patriotic war, Soviet soldiers stormed with songs, but they are few. For example, according to the memoirs of Sergeant of the air defense forces Agrafena Goryainova, in one of the battles in the Ukraine in the vicinity of the station Yelizarovo fighters went on the offensive with the song “Arise, great country…” the Popularity of war songs on the fronts of the Second world was huge, and the often-raised in the battle the soldiers simply shouted “For blue handkerchief!”, referring to the eponymous hit of the war time performed by Claudia Shulzhenko.
No “Hurrah!” nor even “for the Motherland, For Stalin!” during the attack, more often than not shouted. If ran with “sound”, it was usually, “great and mighty” Russian Mat, turning into a wordless roar.
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