Traitor: what Soviet women voluntarily worked for the Germans

History 12/03/20 Traitor: what Soviet women voluntarily worked for the Germans

Once occupied by the invaders of the territory of the Soviet women behave differently. Someone heroically fought the enemy, went to guerrilla groups, even preferred death to captivity. There were those who cooperated with the enemy, and voluntary.

Last of collaborationists, justified his behavior to various reasons. Among them — the complexity of life under occupation, the difficult financial conditions and the need to keep not only himself but also his family, ideological motives.

As a rule, such women were enlisted in the ranks of the auxiliary police and became assistants of the invaders in the massacre of their neighbors, the villagers. Someone personally participated in the executions, others worked on the ideological front. Popular rumor called such women “litter of Hitler” and subjected them to absolute contempt.

Antonina Makarova

the Infamous Tonka-machine-gunner, the most brutal woman-policeman.
She was surrounded in 1941, being a nurse in the red Army. To cooperate with the authorities of the so-called Lokotskogo of the Republic, supported the Nazis, Antonina volunteered herself.
Instead of bags, and medicine instrument Makarova became a machine gun “Maxim”, which she shot those who refused to cooperate with the occupation authorities and become traitors.

On account of the Tonka-gunner for two years of “work” — more than 1.5 thousand executed death sentences. And only the first time she was shot, drunk. Then coolly fired on unarmed, among whom were old men, and children.

Payment Makarova — 30 marks for execution. Your “work” she thought was just the job, tough enough, and said that it is difficult to kill the first victim, and when the bill went to the hundreds, that she was killed automatically.

During Eradthe recommendations of Soviet troops Lokotskogo of the Republic Antonina was treated. She fled to Ukraine and then to Poland. There was captured by the Germans and sent to a labor camp in Konigsberg. When the Soviet troops entered, Makarova got hold of a military card which stated that she was the beginning of the war before captivity, he served in 422 the field hospital.
But Antonina knew that the war ends and she will be missed. Remain under his name for her was impossible, and she’s enrolling in mobile Soviet hospital for the post of nurse, met with Sergeant Ginsburg, for whom a few days getting married and takes his name.
for More than 30 years after the war, Antonina unsuccessfully searched security services. She lived in Byelorussia in the town of Lepel, raised children, enjoyed veterans ‘ benefits, and even spoke to students at events dedicated to Victory.

And only in the middle of 1978 it was discovered — quite by accident. Her learned one of the survivors. During interrogations, Makarov argued that remorse and her torment was convinced to the last soft verdict — not more than three years. But a military criminal, sentenced to death,and she was “at the other end of a gun” — August 11, 1979, Antonina was shot.

Seraphim Sitnik

the Soviet pilot, major, head of communications 205 fighter aviation division was captured after a failed mission in the fall of 1943. The Nazis seized her secret documents, and the Seraphim offered cooperation.

at First she flatly refused this proposal, because they believed that the Nazis murdered her daughter and mother. But when the commander of Russian aviation regiments in the Wehrmacht Maltsev brought to her alive and unharmed family, Sitnik agreed to cooperate.

Soldiers of the red Army, including the husband rushes, already a few days later could hear the voice of the Seraphim from the loudspeaker — she urged all to immediately give up and build a new free Russia.

it Turned out that the injury Sitnik obtained during the seizure, did not allow her to fly. She was transferred to the propaganda Department, and later, when she was not needed the Nazis, shot.

the Olympics Polyakova (Lydia Osipova)

It was “ideological” fighters against Soviet power and was convinced that fascism carries less evil than Bolshevism. The war caught Polyakov with her husband in September 1941, Leningrad, the Pushkin. They immediately defected to the enemy as interpreters.

After the war, being in exile, Olympics, changed the name to Lydia Osipova, wrote books. In “the Diary of collaborando” she emphasised that it was not betrayed, and that her principled position. Moreover, if the Germans had asked her not to move and to shoot at his former fellow citizens, she would not hesitate “he took his rifle and went out.”
Polyakov expressed the joy of falling on Soviet cities by German bombs, however, lamented that the extermination by the Nazis was “too mechanical”. After the retreat of the Nazis she moved to live in Berlin and actively cooperated with the anti-Soviet structure of Russian emigrants — “people’s Labour Union”.

Vera Pirozhkova

Also added to the “ideological” Nazi collaborators. In the German occupation, she saw the opportunity to “throw the Communist yoke.”

Vera was born in intellectual family, was struck by the Stalinist repression, so she got to the office an interpreter and expressed the joy of how cultural life flourished Pskov after its capture by the Germans.

after a while Pirozhkova was the lead author of the largest Russian-language publication – the newspaper “For the Motherland”, where he glorifies fascism and denounced the Soviet system. Also she was known for openly anti-Semitic texts, which liked the new boss, and Vera was soon appointed editor of the newspaper.

In 1944, when the outcome of the war became apparent, Pirozhkova fled to Germany and returned home only half a century later, when the hated Communist regime had fallen.

Russian Seven

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