History 04/03/20 Operation “Snow”: how the Soviet Union dropped a nuclear bomb on the Soviet soldiers
In September 1954 in the USSR on Totsky range were tested nuclear weapons, which the audience become the first person in the country, and the victims of the explosion were made by the soldiers of the Soviet army.
When testing remained three days on the ground in specially built for this occasion the town arrived the highest military ranks of the Soviet Union. Places specially built for the occasion the rostrum was meant marshals: Vasilevsky, Rokossovsky, Konev, Malinovsky and Budyonny. With them behind the exercise was to observe military experts from China, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The main guests of the event was the Soviet leader N. With. Khrushchev, who was accompanied by I. V. Kurchatov and test Director G. K. Zhukov. Prepared for the upcoming exercises and locals. The population of the villages surrounding the test site during the test period had to be relocated 50 kilometers with the payment of daily subsistence. However, immediately after the exercises people back home to gather corn and potatoes with a high radioactive background, sometimes glow in the dark.
“Operation Snowball”
the Exercises were held in strict secrecy, carried the innocent name of “Snowball” and was struck not only by its scale but also cruelty to the military. During testing, the command planned to test the impact of nuclear explosion on equipment and manpower. Before the tests at the station Totsky arrived 45 thousand soldiers and officers, delegated from 212 units. The land on which the tents housed the soldiers took 42 kilometers. Soon the whole field polygon was literally pitted with a huge number of ditches and trenches in which soldiers had to wait out a nuclear explosion. While government platform was located just 15 km from the proposed epicenter of the explosion. Such carelesslySt could only talk about the fact that the organizers of the trials are not fully represented, the danger of the upcoming nuclear tests. The saddest thing is that neither the soldiers nor officers until the last moment did not know what they will participate. Only a few hours before the start of the exercise to commanders was shown secret film about how they will act in a real nuclear explosion.
White cross – black label
In the center of the polygon, the military has erected a giant white cross 100 by 100 meters. He was supposed to serve as a guide aiming for the pilots during the bombing, the bomb inadvertently not included in the government platform, while the audience is located on it and so badly risked, not to mention the soldiers and officers on the ground who, in fact, acted as suicide bombers. A nuclear warhead had to reset the Tu-4. Preparing a crew of two pilots under the leadership of major Kutyreva and captain Lesnikova. They also did not know which of them will produce a fatal bombing. The lot fell V. J. Kutyrevo. Was supposed to drop from the plane the bomb with the code name “tat” with a capacity of 40 kilotons. It should be noted that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were considerably weaker in their power. During the explosion, the military is closer to 7.5 km to the epicenter of the explosion, had to hide in closed bunkers. Those lucky enough to be on the affected area of the shock wave, were obliged to sit or lie in open trenches. Furthermore around the polygons were placed tanks, planes and other military equipment, as well as tied Pets.
the Exercises began at 4 a.m. on 14 September 1954. The troops raised the alarm. Speakers proclaimed: “the Ice is broken”, which meant a 15 minute warning. Then I heard: “Ice went out”. People rushed to shelters. After the third alarm: “Zipper”, 9 to 33 there was a terrible roar. This is from 8000 meters bomb fell on the ground. Undermining it occurred at the height of 350 metres. Five minutes after the appearance of a mushroom cloud began to operate military equipment, standing on the ground, falling asleep warheads the epicenter of the explosion. Fired tanks, mortars, multiple rocket launchers, artillery. The aircraft famously cut the stalk of a nuclear mushroom, and the infantry went on the offensive. Three days later, Pravda reported the population of the country that was conducted another nuclear test, during which the military received valuable information. Details of the exercise, of course, not reported. Trial participants were given a subscription of 25 years to disclose. Not surprisingly, these 25 years, almost none of them lived. About how many soldiers were killed during trials, is also still not known.
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