History 01/03/20 Strengths and weaknesses of Russian soldiers had said their opponents
Friedrich Engels himself did not fight, but, after analyzing the events of military history, came to the conclusion that Russian soldiers – the clumsiest people in the world and is not suitable for light infantry and cavalry. He is not able to show the ingenuity of the Frenchman and the common sense of the German, he needs a clear and precise command.
the Philosopher believed that the best Russian was at war with Turkey and Prussia, but to defeat the poles, French, British and Germans, not having significant superiority in forces, they could not.
However, more interesting to know the opinion about the weaknesses of the Russian army those who had to meet with the Russian soldier on the battlefield.
the Patriotic war of 1812
During the Napoleonic wars, English major Robert Wilson to note “About the property, and the Russian troops”. According to him, Russian soldiers, great fighters and masters of melee combat, but their courage unparalleled. However, if during maneuvers on the battlefield, the army is not governed by tactics of Alexander Suvorov, then beat her maybe even the weakest opponent.
Wilson talked a lot with Russian officers who had become soldiers. The Englishman noted that they are brave, affectionate towards subordinates and are not averse to drink, although not thus lose human dignity. However, they also tend to indulge in idleness, love to relax after dinner or to go hunting. Officers everywhere are moved in the crew and during the transition of the army prevent its movement and prevent the maneuver.
First world war
the Enemy in the era of the First world war noted the backwardness of our army in technical terms and the reluctance of our high command to keep up with the times. For example, the German General staff created a secret discussion paper in which it was stated that Russian has shortcomings that cannot be resolved either with money or by organized work. This reluctance to engage in systematic work, lack of a sense of duty, fear of responsibility, lack of initiative and a complete inability to properly use the time.
However, kompensiruet deficiencies natural military qualities. Russian soldier is strong, brave, unpretentious, resistant to the inconveniences and losses, and after the failure easily restored. However, he is clumsy, dependent and inflexible mentally. Their fighting qualities, he loses, if the head is unfamiliar to him or have to fight in connection to which he was not accustomed.
the Germans appreciated the Siberian infantry regiments, which were remarkable for the composure and marksmanship, and the level of combat training of the Cossacks, especially the second and third militia, is considered low.
According to German intelligence, the Cossacks allow the state to have on hand a large and cheap light cavalry, which is still inferior to the professionalism of regular cavalry. The Cossacks of little use in a bitter long battle and in the assault in close formation.
From the point of view of the Germans, the Russian officers had an archaic sense of duty and their place on the battlefield. They boasted courage, I tried a personal example to light the soldiers, which often led to big losses.
German and Austrian officers led their soldiers behind them, as their duties were assigned to experienced soldiers, not in need of a personal example of the commander. The enemy believed that ostentatious bravery and contempt of death Russian officers tried to compensate for the lack of tactical literacy and lack of training.
Great Patriotic war
In his memoirs, Hitler’s commando Otto Skorzeny recalled the following episode. In the winter of 1941, his unit tried to break through to Moscow. The Soviet command decided to counterattack, and the Germans had to fight back. After several hours of battle, he noticed that their artillery the battery in the rear ceased to fire. Skorzeny got in the car and went into position.
Arriving at the battery, he saw a drunken officer and empty bottles of vodka. The officer said that for several hours she was beaten, all guns in one area, and Russian, not trying to work around it, went ahead. It is in the dash, systematically destroyed the people who were sent to slaughter without trying to maneuver. In the end the commander of a German battery just lost his nerve and he fell.
After the war, many Nazis in his memoirs, noted the inflexibility of the Soviet officers who led soldiers to attack “full-length” and have sacrificed lives, even if this could have been avoided.
Panzer General von Mellenthin pointed to the fact that the Russians have always been contempt for death, and the Communist regime further developed in them the feeling. They will attack again and again, despite the loss until you achieved the desired result.
Von Mellenthin really paid attention to the ruggedness of Russian soldiers. He said that if soldiers of any nation field kitchen is a Holy place, for the Russian – a pleasant surprise. They are capable of many weeks to do handfuls of rice or millet and what is given by nature.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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