Some Soviet weapons were the worst for NATO

Weapons 06/02/20 What the Soviet guns were the worst for NATO

Despite the fact that NATO believed that their weapon has more impressive specifications than the Soviets, there is still feared by some types of Soviet weapons: after all, NATO had to see it in action.


Soviet anti-aircraft missile system s-75 (NATO SA-2 “Guideline”) is intended to cover the important administrative, military and industrial facilities. He is capable of hitting enemy air targets at medium and high altitudes. Existed in versions Desna, Dvina and Volkhov. It is the most widely used means of air defense in the world.

His baptism of fire s-75 passed in the sky near Beijing, where the Chinese are at an altitude of 20 km brought down the reconnaissance aircraft of the Taiwanese air force. The Americans have sought to uncover the secrets of the Soviet anti-aircraft complex, but all in vain. On may 1, 1960 US ourselves are a victim of s-75, which is in the region of Sverdlovsk was shot down the spy plane U-2 piloted by Francis Powers. Later, in the midst of the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962 s-75 over Cuba destroyed the U-2 major Rudolf Anderson, the pilot was killed.

s-75 in the modification of the “Dvina” was an active participant in the Vietnam war, went on combat duty in July 1965. In one of the first fighting the Soviet air defense system managed to shoot down three American fighter-bomber F-4 Phantom. According to various sources, the s-75 in Vietnam struck from 1300 to 2000 NATO aircraft, including drones and heavy bombers B-52. The United States for 10 years of war never once failed to bring down at least one complex. Fared well “Dvina” and during the “Yom Kippur War” in October 1973: Egypt’s air defense with S-75 was shot down to 44% of the Israeli aircraft.

T-72 “Ural”

This is the most massive Soviet tank of the second generation, was exported to dozens of countries, in somewhich of them were issued licenses. With him often had to deal with representatives of the Alliance. The views of the Western military about him was different, but they all agreed that it was a worthy car.

His baptism of fire T-72 adopted in 1982 in the war between Syria and NATO ally Israel. Witnesses have repeatedly recorded cases when a T-72 shot high-explosive shells demolished the tower of the Israeli “Merkava”. “Ural”, on the contrary, despite numerous injuries demonstrated a surprising vitality.

Canadian Tim Marshall, who served in the armored forces of NATO, noted that during the operation “desert Storm” (January-February 1991), he and his colleagues were dumbfounded by the results of the application of the Iraqi army T-72. Other NATO members, Bacil Donovan Warren, M1A1 Abrams tank loader, said it was probably not fear of Soviet armored vehicles, but a healthy respect, which was allowed to concentrate on how to deal with it.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of T-72 weakened the poorly trained Iraqi crews, Americans from 125-mm guns of the tank were afraid to approach him at a close distance. Abrams tried to open fire on the “Ural” with a limiting distance not less than 2.5 km. However, this tactic had flaws: first, this range was reduced killing power of the shot, and second, increased probability of taking over T-72 tanks of their own.


Appearance in December 1950 in the skies over Korea the MiG-15 became for Americans an unpleasant surprise. According to Soviet data, in the first five battles-Russian fighters shot down ten American planes b-29 (Superfortress) and one F-80 (Shooting Star), while not losing a single machine. Fear of NATO, before the Soviet planes was so great that for a long time their heavy bombers they were lifted in the air only at night.

in Order to neutralize the success of the Communist coalition air strth U.S. commanders deployed on the Korean Peninsula the latest fighter F-86 (Sabre). It is between them and the MiGs broke out in major air battles. The planes had similar characteristics, but the MiG-15 was superior to their counterparts in maneuverability and lethality. This could not affect the outcome of the confrontation of the two air machines.

the Most painful defeat of the U.S. air force suffered 12 April 1951. 48 b-29 bombers and 76 fighters cover was to destroy bridges over the Yalu river. Against this Armada flew 44 MiG. Soviet pilots used to be the only possible tactics that could bring success in the struggle with the “flying fortresses” attacked enemy formations from above. In the end, it destroyed 12 “supergravity” and 3 fighters. In just three years of the Korean war the MiGs were shot down 170 B-29 bombers.


After the Second world war, the Soviet Union, one of the first assessing the prospects of the submarine fleet, began to actively build the submarine. By the beginning of the Caribbean crisis the Soviet submarine fleet, numbering around 300 diesel-electric submarines, was the largest in the world. NATO leaders admitted that they have no resources to compete with the Soviets in this component.

the Greatest danger to NATO fleet was represented by the submarine project 661 “ANCHAR” received index K-162 (since 1978 K-222). 18 December 1970 she set a record speed of 44.7 knots per hour (82,78 km/h) at a depth of 100 meters, which is still any underwater vessel is not broken. K-162 was armed with 10 supersonic anti-ship missiles P-70 “Amethyst” – the world’s first cruise warheads with “wet” start. For the cost (2 billion in 1968) submarine nicknamed “goldfish”.

In October 1971, K-162 did his most famous RAID in the North Atlantic in pursuit of the American aircraft carrier “Saratoga”. The Russian submarine was quickly zapelengovali, but due to high agility K-162 American sailors could notand determine its exact location. They decided that they are persecuted just three submarines.

Us aircraft carrier group, and not being able to break away from K-162 has returned to its former course. “Goldfish” having made several maneuvers near the U.S. Navy left the water. Experts note that if necessary, she could put on the bottom of all the carrier compound. Naval expert Ian Ballantyne said that NATO was so scared by the possibilities of K-162, I decided to drop from the air the special magnets that are attached to the underwater ship, would make it easier to detect.

R-36 (Satan)

the development of the strategic missile complex third-generation P-36 was from the late 1960-ies, but for service system was adopted only in 1988. the export went two modifications of R – 36M and R-36M2, which NATO has received the name “Satan” (domestic name – “Governor”).

it is Obvious that this name is due to the characteristics of the Soviet Intercontinental ballistic missile: the range of its flight to 16 thousand km, the complex is able one missile to hit up to 10 targets located on an area of about 300 thousand km2, even if the region is saturated with air defense of the enemy. In fact, from any point of the USSR “Satan” could hit any target on the territory of the United States.

10 warheads R-36 have a capacity of 750 kilotons each. For comparison, the atomic bomb “Little boy” dropped by the Americans on 6 August 1945 on Hiroshima, played only 18 kilotons. Not surprisingly, the “Governor” to this day is in service of the strategic Missile forces of the Russian Federation. The life of the P-36 is designed up to 2024.


for the First time the Americans met Soviet special forces in Vietnam. Representatives of the USSR and the United States agreed to the delimitation of territories, however, it so happened that the crew М551 Sheridan lost and got in the zone controlled by the Soviets. It happened so fast: the tank dry.alsya in the hands of Soviet special forces, the American crew went home. Washington then protested and demanded the international community to influence the Soviet Union to its military withdrawal from Vietnam. They hoped for the return of “Sheridan”, but nothing ever came of it: the tank and to this day is one of the local museums.

the Americans were informed about the operations of Soviet special forces in Afghanistan. One of the most famous clashes, a group of 23 fighters of special division of KGB “Cascade” was opposed by vastly superior forces of the Pakistani Mujahideen from the detachment of “Black storks”. He recalled how the veteran “Cascade” Andrey Dmitrienko, in this battle, destroyed 372 terrorists, and our forces lost only two killed.

In Afghanistan, the soldiers of the Soviet special forces often established subtle obstacles of intertwined thin but strong wire, with a form resembling the spring mechanism of the bed. If there was a leg of the opponent back already it was impossible to pull out. This trap repeatedly saved internationalists from sudden attacks of spooks. NATO was very interested in a Russian invention, and expressed a desire to copy such a mechanism.

European-American journalist Edward Girardet, who visited the Afghan war, wrote about the Soviet soldiers: “the Troops of special forces are fast, silent and deadly”. He was amazed how in one RAID in December 1985, they “cut 82 and 60 wounded guerrillas.” The glory of the Soviet forces reached the American President Ronald Reagan. He was forced to admit: “I wouldn’t be surprised if on the second day of the war on the threshold of the White house see guys in vests and blue berets”.

Taras Repin

© Russian Seven

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