Heroes 28/01/20 As Buryat sniper shot down two German aircraft
to Knock out rifles a low flying plane — unless, of course, we are not talking about plywood airplanes of the last century — seems a problem, real only in the scenarios of feature films about the war. But the Buryat sniper Arseny of Atabaev proved that it can be done and in a combat situation, thus keeping the promise given to Marshal Kliment Voroshilov.
the Voroshilov thanks
As Stanislav tells Tologoi in the book “OSA sniper”, Arseny of Atabaev born in a poor Buryat family, where in addition he had 13 children. So what about some serious education it was not a year of parochial school. And then the future hero had to go through the crucible of Civil war — to fight against Kolchak. Later Arseniy headed a Komsomol cell in his native district (in the Irkutsk region), and in 1929 took part in the military conflict on the Chinese Eastern railway.
It is in the military — long before the beginning of the great Patriotic war of Atabaev showed his shooting talent. In 1930, during the inspection of the Buryat cavalry division then people’s Commissar for military and naval Affairs Klim Voroshilov noted excellent preparation of Arseniy and gave him thanks. This case is both still remember a decade later.
In the great Patriotic
In the early days of the war of Atabaev was drafted into the Red army and in September 1941 fell on the Volkhov front in company a of the supply. In addition to the basic duties Arseniy frequently staged “sniper hunt” firing enemies. Despite the success in this case, requests for transfer, the snipers were ignored. Maybe because the Russian language Atabaev owned no matter.
Happy was the meeting with an old “acquaintance” Voroshilov, who learned hand-Buryat and remembered his excellent shooting revolver and rifle. It tells the magazine “Soviet snipers” (No. 5 of 2015), at this moment appeared in the sky enemy reconnaissance aircraft, which Voroshilov released a full clip from a rifle. But to no avail, although it was seen as the bullets fall into the fuselage.
Frustrated by the Marshal asked arrow, he believes, is it possible to knock out a plane with a rifle. After receiving an affirmative answer, Kliment said, “so prove by his example that it can be done!”. The issue was resolved the same day. And soon — in the summer of 1942, Atabaev able to confirm their words with deeds.
Two aircraft and three hundred Nazis
In June 1942, with a difference of four days of victims of well-aimed shots Buryat sniper were two low-flying German aircraft “Heinkel-111” and “Junkers-87”. The website “Art of war” gives eyewitness accounts: in the case of the “Heinkel” of Atabaev shot the pilot and uncontrollable plane crashed behind enemy lines. However, in a feat of modest Buryat sniper when very few people believed. Arseny had to re-demonstrate their skills in the presence of senior officials from the headquarters.
But the aircraft sniper was not the limit of his account at least 356 killed enemy soldiers and officers. In January 1943 Atabaev was seriously injured and became disabled. But the service is not dropped and in 1944 returned as an instructor sniper case. 46 prepared students killed at least two and a half thousand of the Nazis.
Yaroslav Gorbunov
© Russian Seven
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