There were thieves in law, I couldn't before

Crime 13/02/20 there were thieves in law, I couldn’t before

Over time, any society will inevitably change. This fully applies to the criminal sphere. Thieves ‘ traditions, which originate in the distant postperovskite the time of Vanka-Cain, finally took shape in the concept is influenced by the famous gangster Yaponchik’s Bear. According to Alexander Gurov in the book “Professional criminality: past and present”, the caste of the criminal authorities, the thieves in the law — was formed in 30-ies of the last century. But since then (and the terms of those times) its representatives much ground. Because a lot of the things in the past, the thief would be with shame rasarnava, is now considered commonplace.

Women & family

For the real thief, family is his entourage: the same authority as he himself. The family and children, according to adhere to the concepts of “old” distract from core activities. In addition, blackmailing safety loved ones, a thief can easily push the authorities, law enforcement or competitors. In the event of death, the authority also runs the risk that his wife will disappear, taking with him the husband stored the common Fund. Yes, and the fact legitimize the relationship (marriage) in the criminal environment was considered saskura and was regarded not only as the cooperation with the authorities.

As said Mikhail Pashkin — one of the heads of Moscow trade Union of police officers — already at the turn of 1960-1970-ies in the Soviet Union, this rule has practically ceased to act. Relationships with women was informal, but permanent life partner from the Soviet authorities already had. Today, almost none of those who call themselves “thieves in law”, does not hide the presence of the family.

guys, don’t shoot each other…

Just above we talked about the danger of family relations because of the possibility of raids from bandits and competitors. But it was gaveYoko is not always. Soviet KGB officer and nkvdshnik Fedor Fomin in his book “notes of an old chekist” tells about an incident from the life of Teddy jap when he almost fainted at the sight of blood. As it turned out, of Odessa authority since childhood, could not stand the scenes. Hence in the thieves ‘ environment, the rule is not to take up arms, and certainly not to use them against each other.

But the law was forgotten the first: many representatives of the criminal world with the arms participated in the great Patriotic war. Actually breaking another rule prohibiting cooperation with authorities. From the point of view of the authorities, the criminals who have embarked on the path of correction, fall into the category of spun. Radically opposing views on the concept of thieves have become the cause of so-called bitch wars which, with varying intensity, lasted until the 1960s during its “old” and “new” thieves in law were actively killing each other. Well, what happened in the 1990s, many well remember.

Not concepts, but simply business

the journalist and the editor “” Eugene Vyshenkov says that a radical change in the life of the criminal environment occurred in 1967, when one of the thieves ‘ meetings in Tambov “old” authorities have actually resigned and they were replaced by ordinary criminals who had no case to thieves the law. With the collapse of the Union system is completely degraded and the rules completely refused. And the title of thief in law is now you could just buy. So, today a little more than 10% of the Russian thieves-in-law has earned her the title in accordance with the concepts, the rest just got it in exchange for money, power, services.

according to Yuri Latov (“Thieves in law” as subjects of the market of modernization in Russia”), thieves modern community is far from installation procedures, traditions and hierarchies. Today it’s just market-bourgeois structure that has successfully controlled some businesses, “gnawing” from their pieces fatter.

So if the answer to the headline question briefly, we can say that today, the thieves in the law all the norms are no more. Especially after the adoption in the spring of 2019 amendments to article 210 of the criminal code. Now, the very recognition of a thief in law and participation in gatherings of thieves criminal faces up to 15 years. What here the concept of thieves! Just business!

Nicholas Syromyatnikov

© Russian Seven

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