Another 24/02/20 Ivan Datsenko: hero of the Soviet Union, became the chief of an Indian tribe
During the great Patriotic war the plane in which the other members of the crew was pilot Ivan Datsenko, was hit. It happened near Lviv in 1944. Everyone thought Datsenko died while in 1967 dancer Mahmoud Esambaev has not visited in Canada, in one of the Indian reservations.
the Lost hero
a Native of Poltava province Ivan Datsenko was at the front from the beginning of the great Patriotic war. Before that, he managed to finish school aviation, and therefore served as a pilot. Datsenko successfully bombed military and industrial targets in Germany, and by 1943, when he received the title of Hero, the number of sorties has already exceeded 2 hundred.
in the Spring of 1944, hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Datsenko, together with his companions Besobrasova and Zavorohina went to another job. But the fighting vehicle was struck by enemy fire, none of the soldiers didn’t come back. It would seem that the story of the life of the pilot Datsenko had to end.
the Leader named Ivan
23 years after the events described above, the ballet dancer Mahmud Esambaev in the composition of the Soviet delegation went to Canada. The canadian Prime Minister was delighted with the performance of a dancer and on a whim asked Esambaev that he still wanted to see in the country. Without thinking, Mahmoud Alisultanovich told the Prime Minister that he would like to witness the dances of the indigenous inhabitants of the American continent. So Esambaev was on an Indian reservation.
After a Soviet artist have much admired the movements of the Indians, came to him the chief of the tribe. Indian leader welcomed the guest, but all of a sudden did it on 2 languages: Russian and Ukrainian. The sides talked. It turned out that the tribesmen call their leader “Piercing fire”, but his real name is IVADatsenko, and he hails from Poltava. Datsenko was married to an Indian woman, who bore him children. Ivan perfectly sang Ukrainian songs and was very homesick.
True or tale?
All this Esambaev told the world immediately. Only a few years he began to share the events of that meeting with some journalists. And in 1991 at the all-Union conference of workers of culture he has openly told about the leader Datsenko. Miraculously preserved the transcript with the emotional narrative of Mahmoud Alisultanovich read Igor Kvasha in the program “Wait for me” when employees transfer also interested in this story.
Despite the fact that the leader of the tribe and the Soviet soldier was full and people even came from the same places, many researchers have questioned the assertion that this is the same Ivan Datsenko. Like the pilot whose plane crashed whirling beneath the lions, suddenly appeared on the other side of the world in Canada?
According to the assumptions of Alexander Shcherbakov, in his time, served side by side with Datsenko, Ivan could get into the enemy’s captured, and then escaped from there and fearing to return home with such a biography, remained in Europe, and after went to Canada. In the absence of the relevant documents it and decided that no way how to go to the Indians, it does not.
This sounds generally plausible, at least believe it is possible. Besides Moscow medical examiner, Dr. Sergey Nikitin has determined that the photographs which brought Esambaev from Canada, and to the surviving relatives Datsenko images show the most likely one and the same person. However, the absolute proof that the hero of the USSR Ivan Datsenko was an Indian chief is not so far.
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