Photo: depositphotos/peshkova
the world health organization (who) gave an official name to the coronavirus that caused the outbreak of a new form of pneumonia in China. It is reported by TASS on the results of the Geneva briefing.
“Now we have the name of the disease. This COVID-19”, – said General Director of the Adan Ghebreyesus.
Earlier in the public health Committee of China, coronavirus given a temporary name of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP).
the First cases of a new form of pneumonia was recorded in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Hubei province. Subsequently it was established that the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, and the number of infected began to increase.
as of 11 Feb we are talking about more than 42,6 thousand infected, and died from the disease for more than a thousand people.
Experts from the London school of hygiene and research of tropical diseases said the epidemic of coronavirus will peak in the second half of February. Experts also believe that the we can expect about 500 thousand infected in Wuhan.
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