Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow
the Payoff for adhering insulation got 90 thousand people with chronic diseases, said the Deputy mayor of Moscow on issues of social development Anastasia Rakova.
Payment for the observance of quarantine in the amount of 4 thousand roubles is put them in the order of Sergei Sobyanin. To obtain it you need to apply by telephone hotline.
Rakova said that 90 people with chronic diseases received compensation in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. The remaining 2 thousand they will receive after graduation from quarantine under the condition of complying with.
on March 23, the mayor announced the introduction of a home treatment for citizens over 65 and those who suffer from chronic diseases. The restrictions came into effect from 26 March to 14 April.
if necessary, delivery of food, medicine, and solving other domestic problems, and to receive one-time financial assistance, they can call the hotline +7 495 870-45-09. To help them come social workers and volunteers.
as support and compensation under the isolation pensioners will also pay the financial assistance in the amount of 4 thousand rubles. It will be credited to the account to which transferred monthly pension and other social payments. To submit an application for its registration is not necessary.
Persons with chronic diseases the payment will issue on an individual basis, but for this they should contact the hotline at +7 (495) 870-45-09.
on March 29, Sergey Sobyanin imposed restrictions on movement in the capital all residents, regardless of age. The apartment will be permitted to leave only for emergency medical help, shopping at the nearest store or pharmacy.
the people of Moscow are allowed to walk the dog, empty the trash or get to work. It is necessary to keep distance with other people in 1.5 meters. The same measures introduced in the suburbs, and then in other regions of Russia.
Yesthe best who in the world are already infected more than 750 thousand people, more than 36 thousand died. In Russia today, was 2,777 cases of coronavirus infection in 75 regions. Recovered 190 patients, 24 persons died.
Muscovites explained the main aspects concerning the regime of self-isolation
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