History 12/03/20 8 Nations, which Stalin deported during the great Patriotic
Deportation of people began long before the war in 1935 from the border areas with Finland began to evict the Finns (30 000), deported 40,000 Germans and poles from Vinnytsia and Kyiv regions of Ukraine.
In 1937 “liberated” from the Kurds, Iranians and Armenians in the border regions of the Caucasus, then engaged in the Far East, displacing Koreans, Chinese, poles, Balts and Germans in Central Asia. When the Red army entered the Baltic States, started the eviction of the poles and those who recently crossed the border, that is the Jews.
the Germans
With the outbreak of war deportation took a new impetus. To this end, the apparatus of the NKVD was created by the Department of special settlements. Knowing that before the war went to Germany 406 000 Germans, Stalin considered them to be disloyal and in the summer of 1941 has signed the Decree “On resettlement of Germans living in the Volga area”, according to which “the Republic of the Germans” was liquidated and its inhabitants — 440 200 people on 188 echelons promptly removed in 107 settlements of Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan; on the charges were given 24 hours.
Then we made the Germans in the European part of the USSR, deportation which was completed by the summer of 1942; from the Caucasus across the Caspian sea was exported 25,000 Germans in Kazakhstan. According to historian Arkady Herman (“the Soviet Deportation of Germans from the European part of the USSR”) were deported 950 000 Russian Germans, 73% was transported to Siberia, 27 % – in the steppe of Kazakhstan.
Under deportation came Ingrian Finns who were deported to Irkutsk oblast, Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk territory.
At the end of the year января1942 from Kerch evicted 438 Italians; they were suspected of sympathy for the Nazis.
Crimean Tatars
the Deportation continued in the liberated from the Nazis territories. 11 may 1944 Stalin signed postyavlenie eviction from the Crimea of the Crimean Tatars; the rationale was a note of people’s Commissar Beria, which stated the desertion of 20,000 Tatar soldiers, the organization of the deportation of Russians in Germany. Later learned about the crimes the special forces of the Tatars, acting in conjunction with SS. German field Marshal Erich Manstein recalled that the troops of the Crimean Tatar volunteers at the cruelty of the superior part of the SD.
On the deportation took two days, on charges given half an hour. Clashes avoided, but seized a lot of weapons and 49 mortars. According to the Department of special settlements in Uzbekistan took 151 136 Tatars in the Mari ASSR — 8 597, Kazakhstan – 4 286, and the rest were in the labor column. There were deported 193 865 Tatars, of which in the first six months of hunger, cold and disease died 16 052 people. Under repression Gypsies, who during the war was impersonating Tatars to survive.
Bulgarians, Greeks and Armenians
Then Stalin signed a decree for eviction 37 000 “German collaborators from the Bulgarians, Greeks and Armenians.” Deportations carried out in a single day — 27 June 1944 and then deported under Fergana all who had an expired foreign passport: Greeks, Turks, Iranians, Hungarians, Romanians, Italians, and Germans. In a Memorandum to Beria that were deported from the Peninsula 12 422 Bulgarians,15 040 Greeks, Armenians 9 621, 1 119 3 652 Germans and foreigners. Have been “cleansing” the red army, on special settlement was sent to the Greeks 559, 582 Bulgarian, Armenian 574 and 184 officers of other nationalities.
From 1945 to 1950 died 16 055 people from deportation.
the Chechens and Ingush
the Reason for the expulsion of the Vainakhs became the desertion from the red army, “anti-Soviet” activities of the Muftis and of the uprising of 1942. Historian Nicholas Grodno in the book “History of the armed conflict in Chechnya”, says that in 1943, on the operational accounting of the NKVD was 8 535 Vainakh, 457 people suspected of having links with the Nazis. It was known that in 1942, the Chechens established a clandestine “Party of Caucasian brothers”, providing for the creation of the Federal Republic “under the mandate of the German Empire”.
С1941 year 1944, the NKVD eliminated the 55 gangs in the mountains were still 200. The decision on liquidation of the Chechen-Ingush Republic was adopted at a meeting of the Politburo, Beria personally led the operation. For the deportation of Chechens were involved 100,000 military, but it lasted from 23 February 1944 to March 9: the population resisted and escaped to the mountains. Was shot 780 people arrested 2 016 people, seized 20 000 rifles, machine guns and rifles. 6 544 Highlander managed to escape to the mountains. Only Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have taken 493 269 Vainakh, then another 28 000 – from Dagestan, 2 700 from Georgia.
the wrath of the leader of the Kalmyks caused by collaboration with the occupiers: in 1942 was created the Kalmyk cavalry corps, which took part in the fighting and punitive expeditions. In 1943, the situation was difficult: the gangs looted shops, killed Communists and officers, there were 18 collisions with units of the NKVD, given this, the authorities decided to hold on 28-29 December 1943, operation “Ulus”. From their homes was disrupted 93 139 Kalmyks. Under the deportation were Russian women married to Kalmyks, but Kalmyk, published for the Russian managed to avoid the sad fate. Writes military historian Michael Semiryaga (” Collaboration. Nature, typology and manifestations during the Second world war”) operation is allowed to identify 750 gangsters, policemen and German liaison officers. The Kalmyks were deported to Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen region and Krasnoyarsk territory.
in addition, he was deported: the Karachai, Balkars, Azerbaijanis, Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians, hamsini, Russian and many others – about 30 of the peoples of Russia. Injustice touched many, because thousands of Tatars, Chechens, Kalmyks, Greeks, Armenians and Germans fought honestly in the great Patriotic war or worked in the rear. But the words of StAlina “son of the father is not responding” proved false, for the crimes of some people paid hundreds of thousands of other innocents.
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