History 28/02/20 bbc.com4 most valuable spies of the Soviet intelligence in USA
Among the agents recruited by the KGB, were different people. Most of them cooperated for the sake of monetary rewards, and the motives of some, and now, many years later, incomprehensible.
the Head of counterintelligence for the CIA and a lover of life Ames, Aldrich
One of the main victories of Soviet intelligence was the recruitment of Aldrich Ames, who served as the chief of counterintelligence of the CIA. Task subordinate Ames Department was the recruitment and pereverbovki agents of foreign services. At the same time, cooperating with Soviet spies Aldrich was not afraid of surveillance, as his duties included routine contacts with intelligence officers at the Soviet Embassy.
to make a deal with a potential enemy of such a prominent functionary of the American special services made money, or rather the lack thereof. The first documents he asked for 50 thousand dollars, then the fee only increased. For the period 1985-1989 years by the efforts of Ames was derailed by a huge number of operations, resulting in the CIA have suffered multibillion-dollar losses.
Aldrich gave the KGB the identity of such agents USA, Boris Yuzhin, Valery Martynov, Sergei Motorin, Dmitry Polyakov. Before his arrest in 1994, the agent acquired in the Washington suburb mansion for half a million dollars, got the expensive Jaguar, luxury items for 450 thousand dollars and the stock exchange. Wife of Ames bought two apartments and an extensive farm.
the well-being of the couple Oldricha grew, the family was already $ 5 million. In 1993 they took in the development of the FBI agents. Ames received a life sentence. The researchers found that he has issued 25 KGB agents USA, 10 of whom were executed.
Robert Hanssen: 20 years of loyal service, the Soviet Union and Russia
Robert Hanssen became an agent in the counterintelligence of the USSR, passing the KGB secret documents and requesting for them 20 thousand dollars. However, this learned his wivesand and scandal. Robert promised his wife to stop contact with “Communists.” Being a faithful Catholic, he even confessed my sins to his Confessor. However, after some time he resumed his espionage activities.
Since 1983, Hanssen was head of the analytical center on the activities of Soviet intelligence. A new position has opened to the spy access to a vast array of classified information. Through elaborated by Hansena system caches and bookmarks he gave to agents of the Soviet Union more than 6,000 pages of sensitive materials and information about space exploration and construction under the USSR Embassy of the tunnel for the implementation of wiretaps.
Robert Hanssen engaged in espionage for 20 years and have continued to do so even after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Researchers still can’t understand that tucked father of six children and every Catholic believer to become a double agent. For all the years of cooperation with the Soviet and then Russian intelligence, he received 1.5 million dollars, not so much. The Hanssen handed over one of the Soviet defectors. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment.
Ronald Pelton – victim bluff
When Ronald Pelton served in the U.S. air force, as a owner of a phenomenal memory sent to the intelligence center in Pakistan, where he studied the basics of radio communications and Russian language. After demobilization Pelton worked as an analyst in the national security Agency of the United States. In 1979 he was dismissed from-for low salaries (in terms of date, the year he received 85 thousand dollars).
In 1980, a former analyst for bankruptcy and offers his services to the Soviet Embassy. Ronald Pelton gave the Soviet Union important information, including the secret.
Pelton FBI agents came thanks to a defector from the USSR, who described his appearance. Catch “the traitor” helped a bluff. Pelton played a recording of his telephone conversation with an employee of the Soviet Embassy and he admitted that on the tape his voice. After the investigation, judges gave emu life sentence.
John Walker spy family row
John Walker had no relationship to the intelligence services, and were duty officer-cryptographer in the headquarters of the commander of the US submarine fleet. However, his recruitment is considered to be one of the biggest victories of Soviet intelligence on their potential enemy. Through Walker, the Union received invaluable information about the movement of military vessels in the World ocean, their technical characteristics and types of ammunition and fuel.
Walker gave the cipher algorithms and schemes of encryption devices that were used to transfer secret documents. In the intelligence network, organized by the Walker in addition to himself were his relatives and friends. Thanks to them, from 1967 to 1984, Soviet intelligence knew the plans of the American command was aware of, where at a certain point in time is something the American military ship.
Information about the routes of submarines with nuclear weapons, the battle groups and even the personal data of commanders, until their medical tests, passed the encrypted code to the “center”. Walker helped to calculate the double agent Vitaly Yurchenko.
Opened network Walker his wife, who knew everything and after the divorce went to the FBI. Walker received a life sentence, his friend Whitworth, who served as a radio operator, was sentenced to 365 years in prison. Sons Walker also planted: sailor Michael was given 25 years in prison, Arthur – a life sentence.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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