Now let’s all hands up, are for the construction of the Berlin breakdown airport BER, because there is already billions used have been! Oh, but so many? And now, all of you who would like the “Gorch Fock” is finally, finally rebuilt again on the world’s oceans in the order of the German Navy on the road again report. How so little? But not because in the case of the sailing school ship, the renovation costs of the originally planned EUR 9.6 million on a three-digit million amount, bounce up – and this is actually irresponsible much?

Von der Leyen has to explain to the “Gorch Fock”

you Must compare Apples with pears? Or better: wrong previous mega-projects that pollute under the supervision of a disinterested or overwhelmed Ministerial bureaucracy of the German taxpayers, is far beyond the reasonable limit? You are allowed to. Because one thing is clear: The Disaster is proceeding according to similar scenarios. To the extent of the spilled out of control costs is visible, is already spent so much that the Point of no Return is already crossed. Actually.

sail school ship of the German Navy scandal to restoration of the Gorch Fock: The minimum goal is now “swimming ability”

In the case of the Elswerther shipyard, the “Gorch Fock” are now new messages. No good. Because the shipyard was forced to declare bankruptcy. The Ministry of defence agreed upper cost limit of a maximum of 135 million euros is not, apparently, to keep. Whether all for the restoration of the ship required to Work at all yet on the shipyard run, stands in the stars. And if Yes, then the millions more cost. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) must declare today before the budget Committee. It comes down to the crucial question: How do you think it is a prestige project?

And? How is she holding it?

Von der Leyen can look into this. But maybe the Minister should remove time from the thought of what the decision is for or against the renovation of the “Gorch Fock” under the image of the face means points for you.

Then, the decision is so difficult: to Continue to rehabilitate. Even if it hurts millions more costs and the court of auditors complains. A state like the Federal Republic of Germany must have a Navy to afford, can afford a “Gorch Fock”. Whether it is to the bars, which has made in the past in a responsible position error to error, is another matter. But we’re back to the beginning and also at the BER.


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